SAVE $10 today on the Get Started Teaching in Upper Elementary Grades course!

Are you a new teacher in third, fourth, or fifth grade? Or are you an experienced teacher who is moving to one of these grades? This course is for you!

The Get Started Teaching in Upper Elementary Grades course was created by a veteran upper elementary teacher and instructional coach (me!).

I will help you get your teaching year off to the best possible start with suggestions for how to set up your classroom, get organized, plan your first weeks, and manage your classroom.

Most schools do an excellent job of giving you the guidelines you need for what to teach. But here’s what they don’t do:  tell you how to set up and get started so that you develop relationships with your students, set up your classroom for success, and get organized for teaching.

This course will guide you through planning your classroom setup, class procedures and routines for this age group, setting up a classroom management system, and planning your first day and week. You will also get tips for managing your time, organizing everything, taking care of yourself, and avoiding burnout.

This will help you feel prepared and confident to be the best teacher you can be in upper elementary grades! 

Teaching upper elementary grades is so rewarding, but it can be overwhelming when you’re unsure what to expect or where to start. You are not the only one who feels this way! I can help.



JUST $39!


Tell me if this sounds like you:  You have been a successful teacher (or student teacher), but this is your first year in an upper elementary classroom. You don’t even know what you don’t know.

How do you set up the classroom? What do you need, and what is not necessary? What activities do they love and are not “too baby-ish” for them? What do you do with them at the beginning of the year?! How do you organize all the materials and paper and grading? How do you stay on top of the planning and prep?

When it comes to feeling ready for teaching upper elementary grades, we want the bottom line on what we need to get started.

Get excited because Get Started Teaching in Upper Elementary Grades was designed especially for new teachers in these grades. It will help you simplify your tasks to be prepared, productive, and ready to take on the school year.

Say hello to Get Started Teaching in Upper Elementary Grades!

Overcome anxiety and being overwhelmed, and say hello to efficient, effective, and prepared! 

Get Started Teaching in Upper Elementary Grades has everything you need to get started including:

  • Step-by-step videos where I will guide you through each step of getting organized for teaching upper elementary grades ($25 value)
  • A workbook to help you plan and organize, plus it includes tons of advice, suggestions, and tips for all things upper elementary grades! ($50 value)
  • Editable checklists so that you can add your own specific needs or ideas ($10 value)



JUST $39!


"As a new teacher, I was excited and a bundle of nerves. Teaching fourth grade was thrilling and overwhelming, and I had so many questions. This course has been a game-changer for me. It provided practical strategies for creating a positive classroom environment. I learned how to build strong relationships with students. The insights into classroom management were especially valuable. Overall, the course has made me feel confident and ready to go!"

- Amy J. , fourth grade teacher

"Moving from teaching lower elementary to upper elementary was both exciting and nerve-wracking for me. I was used to the younger kids and wasn’t sure what to expect from older students. This course was exactly what I needed. I learned how to create a positive classroom environment and build strong relationships with my students, which has made a huge difference. I’m so grateful for the guidance and knowledge I've gained—it has truly made all the difference."

- Joanne F., fifth grade teacher

Finally, here is everything you need to start your upper elementary teaching experience!

Get Started Teaching in Upper Elementary Grades will guide you in setting everything up, step by step.

What if you had a plan for setting up your class, teaching the necessary routines and procedures, organizing your time and materials, planning for classroom management, and successfully starting the school year?

Here's what that means for you friend:

  • Having a plan for getting your classroom setup and planning tasks done without stress and overwhelm
  • Feeling more confident about your upper elementary teaching because you are prepared and know what to expect
  • Having a go-to resource workbook to refer to throughout the year
  • Spending less time on tasks that don’t matter so you have more time for yourself outside of school!



JUST $39!

Take a closer look at what's included...

A workbook to help you organize & plan for your classroom setup and management. 

($50 value)

Step-by-step videos where I will guide you through each step of organizing and preparing for successfully teaching upper elementary grades.

($25 value)

Editable checklists for you to add your own ideas and tasks

($10 value)

Hundreds of tips and suggestions for upper elementary teaching based on over three decades of experience!

Get everything listed above and get set for organized, prepared, successful upper elementary teaching!



JUST $39!

I am a teacher and instructional coach with over thirty years of experience, and I’m excited to help you make your teaching life more sustainable.

Once upon a time, I, too, was faced with teaching an upper elementary grade (fourth grade in my case) and needing help figuring out how to start, what to plan, or what to expect from upper elementary students at the beginning of the year.

Thanks to years of watching and learning from other successful upper elementary teachers, I have put together the ultimate get-started guide in my Get Starting Teaching in Upper Elementary Grades course.

Now it’s your turn! The Get Started Teaching in Upper Elementary Grades course has everything you need to prepare, organize, and plan for a successful teaching experience immediately without burning yourself out before you even begin!

You can look forward to:

  • Setting up your upper elementary classroom for success
  • Developing, teaching, and reinforcing the class routines and procedures for this age group
  • Setting up an effective classroom management system
  • Planning for success for your first day and week of school
  • Tips for managing your time
  • Tips for organizing all the things (including assessment)
  • Strategies for taking care of #1 (that would be you!) and avoiding burnout

I’m excited to support you as you make your upper elementary teaching life sustainable!

You might be wondering . . .

After I purchase, how will I receive my product?

You’ll receive a link to log into the course on Thrive Cart. Within the course, you’ll receive a link to your downloadable workbook.

  • Will I receive anything in the mail?

No. The entire course and workbook are digital resources.

  • Do I need any special programs or apps to get the most out of Get Started Teaching in Upper Elementary Grades?

No. Thrive Cart is a website. Nothing else is needed.

  • How long will it take for me to go through the course?

It depends. The course is about two hours long and could be completed in one sitting if you want to! You can also choose which modules you want to focus on in whatever order works for you. Each module is stand-alone.

  • After I start using Get Started Teaching in Upper Elementary Grades, if I have more questions, who can I ask if I have more questions?

Me! I will share my contact information in the course workbook.

  • Can you remind me everything that's included in Get Started Teaching in Upper Elementary Grades??

Of course! Get Started Teaching in Upper Elementary Grades includes course modules where I will teach you different strategies for successfully setting up your classroom and starting your school year. In addition, you will receive a downloadable workbook that includes notes for planning along with hundreds of tips based on over three decades of successful upper elementary teaching and coaching.

Last chance to stop the uncertainty and overwhelm and start your successful and sustainable upper elementary teaching experience!


It's time to plan your prepared, productive, and confident teaching life!

If you've been wondering what tips, tricks, and advice are best for teaching upper elementary grades, Get Started Teaching in Upper Elementary Grades is the place to start!

One more time -  here’s everything included in Get Started Teaching in Upper Elementary Grades:

  • Step-by-step videos where I will guide you through each step of organizing and preparing for successfully teaching upper elementary grades ($25 value)
  • A workbook to help you organize & plan for your classroom setup and management.  In addition, I have included hundreds of tips and suggestions for upper elementary teaching based on over three decades of experience!  ($50 value)
  • Editable checklists for you to add your own tasks and ideas! ($10 value)



JUST $39!